
Digital Signature and New Technical Rules

Columbia has now adopted the mandatory inclusion of electronic signatures in invoices. This mechanism has always been in place but has only recently become mandatory.

This will help to ensure the authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation of the invoice.

The requirement to include the registered address for foreign sales has been annulled.

Furthermore, the “Supporting Document 1.0 Technical Annex” has been introduced for Colombian taxpayers making purchases from suppliers that are not obliged to issue invoices. In order to support costs incurred or expenses with such suppliers, the purchaser must support ‘electronic’ supporting documentation i.e. an electronic invoice or equivalent documents, for validation by the National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN). This allows the transactions to be tracked and costs, deductions and deductible taxes to be monitored.

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Browse Colombia updates

Updated e-invoicing obligations
  • Información de la normativa
Proposed tax reform changes
  • Actualizaciones de los países
Digital Signature and New Technical Rules
  • Información de la normativa