
Local currency change to Euro

Tungsten successfully accommodated Croatia’s local currency change from Croatian Kuna to the Euro, effective 1 January 2023.

Bulgaria is similarly preparing to transition its local currency, the Bulgarian Lev, to the Euro currency. It has targeted an implementation date of 1 January 2024.

As with our Croatia local currency change implementation, this transition will involve modifications to our all invoice types in Bulgaria, including debit and credit notes. Tungsten is closely monitoring the proposed local currency change in Bulgaria and will accommodate the local currency change, if confirmed. We will keep our Bulgarian market informed with any developments regarding the change.


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Browse Bulgaria updates

Local currency change to Euro
  • Actualizaciones de los países
Revised tax VAT rates
  • Información del tipo de IVA/IBS
VAT registration threshold increase
  • Actualizaciones de los países
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  • Información de la normativa
VAT rate changes to combat rising inflation
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Zero-rate VAT applied to certain products
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Concept of real-time reporting
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