Welcome to electronic invoicing for Scottish Water
Scottish Water has partnered with Tungsten Network to provide a simpler way for suppliers to submit invoices.
Scottish Water has partnered with Tungsten Network to provide a simpler way for suppliers to submit invoices.
Please use this list to ensure that you have established the correct trading relationshttps://www2.tungsten-network.com/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=customer-campaignships on Tungsten Network to invoice Scottish Water.
Tungsten Network Account Number | Scottish Water Vat # | Country | Company Name |
AAA253077721 | 878 2781 66 | UK | Scottish Water |
AAA300313905 | 878 2781 66 | UK | Scottish Water Horizons Ltd |
AAA603407198 | 985 8249 55 | UK | Scottish Water Solutions 2 Ltd |
AAA495735581 | 878 2781 66 | UK | Scottish Water Services (Grampian) Limited |