Welcome to electronic invoicing for Kenvue
Kenvue has partnered with Tungsten Network to provide a simpler way for suppliers to submit invoices
Kenvue has partnered with Tungsten Network to provide a simpler way for suppliers to submit invoices
Please use this list to ensure that you have established the correct trading relationships on Tungsten Network to invoice Kenvue.
Entity | Entity Name | Address | Postal Code | City | State | Country | Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) | Prod Buyer ID |
6068 | MCNEIL CONSUMER PHARMACEUTICALS CO. | 7050 Camp Hill Road | 19034 | Fort Washington | PA | US | 22-3001981 | AAA587811001 |
6100 | MCNEIL NUTRITIONALS, LLC | 7050 Camp Hill Road | 19034 | Fort Washington | PA | US | 51-0524202 | AAA205660293 |
6133 | Kenvue Brands LLC | 1 Kenvue Way | 07901 | Summit | NJ | US | 88-2669908 | AAA350322822 |
6231 | NEOSTRATA COMPANY, INC | 1 Kenvue Way | 07901 | Summit | NJ | US | 06-1279641 | AAA599550654 |
6232 | VOGUE INTERNATIONAL LLC | 1 Kenvue Way | 07901 | Summit | NJ | US | 59-2881687 | AAA176459790 |
6263 | ZARBEE'S, INC | 199 Grandview Road | 08558 | Skillman | NJ | NJ | 45-2592924 | AAA270991995 |
7598 | MCNEIL HEALTHCARE LLC | Road 183 KM 19.8, Barrio Montones | PR771 | Las Piedras | PR | 66-0648165 | AAA706711371 |